The 25th Pan-Hellenic Academic Libraries Conference gives the opportunity to companies active in the library and information technology area to present and promote their organization, products and services to the Greek libraries’ community. Furthermore, through sponsorship of the conference, sponsors will achieve a wide visibility and publicity throughout Greece.

Companies active in

  • Library Information Services
  • Library Automation
  • Books & Periodicals
  • Library Equipment
  • Information Technologies

will have a perfect opportunity to reach Greek audience and demonstrate their active role and contribution to the Greek libraries’ continuous development.

Please contact us for requests, questions or more info!

Sponsors delegates’ individual registration will help the organizing committee. Please register here!

Sponsor level acknowledgement and benefits

Gold Sponsor  (€4,000.00+):

  1. Sponsor logo depicted on the first internal page of the conference program.
  2. Sponsor logo depicted on banners at the conference area.
  3. Logo displayed and sponsorship level on the relevant Sponsors web page of the conference web site (with link to sponsor’s home page).
  4. Inclusion in the delegate’s bag of promotional material provided by the sponsor (up to three (3) pieces e.g. flyers, pens etc.).
  5. Fifteen (15) minutes product/services presentation during the special sponsor session in the conference plenum.
  6. Participation of three (3) sponsor’s representatives at the Speakers & Sponsors’ Dinner.


Silver Sponsor (€3,000.00 – €3,999.00):

  1. Sponsor logo depicted on the first internal page of the conference program.
  2. Sponsor logo depicted on banners at the conference area.
  3. Logo displayed and sponsorship level on the relevant Sponsors web page of the conference web site (with link to sponsor’s home page).
  4. Inclusion in the delegate’s bag of promotional material provided by the sponsor (up to two (2) pieces e.g. flyers, pens etc.).
  5. Five (5) minutes product/services presentation during the special sponsor session in the conference plenum.
  6. Participation of two (2) sponsor’s representatives at the Speakers & Sponsors’ Dinner.


Bronze Sponsor (€2,000.00 – €2,999.00):

  1. Sponsor logo depicted on the last internal page (inside page of back cover) of all printed versions of the conference program.
  2. Logo displayed and sponsorship level acknowledgement on the relevant Sponsor web page of the conference web site (with link to sponsor’s home page).
  3. Inclusion in the delegate’s bag of one (1) piece of promotional material provided by the sponsor (e.g. flyers, pens etc.).
  4. Participation of one (1) sponsor’s representative at the Speakers & Sponsors’ Dinner.


Sponsor (<€2.000)

Logo displayed and sponsorship level acknowledgement on the relevant Sponsor web page of the conference web site (with link to sponsor’s home page).