The following window will show the live streaming from the conference and will be activated only at the times during which a conference session is scheduled.

[fvplayer rtmp=”rtmp://” rtmp_path=”Kourmoulhs.sdp” live=”true” width=”800″ height=”450″ autoplay=”true”]

The annual Panhellenic Conference of Academic Libraries is one of the most important events for the Greek Academic libraries and the most significant in the areas of Library Information Services, Library Automation, Books & Periodicals, Library Equipment and Information Technologies. Librarians, members of the academic community and suppliers are given the opportunity to broaden their knowledge, to communicate with other colleagues, to syndicate and exchange views and experiences and to be informed about new developments and trends in the Academic Libraries’ products and services.

The financial crisis has caused serious problems to Greek academic libraries. Libraries are now required to respond to the challenge of not only maintaining the high-level services they have gained in previous years but also further developing them into an unsafe environment. Furthermore, groundbreaking changes and technological developments in the international library community, such as open access movement or research data, need to change academic libraries perspective towards improvement, enhancement and professionalization of their services in order to meet the challenge of producing the highest quality services.

After a 3-years pause of this long-term important event for the greek academic libraries, due to economic crisis, the Library & Information Center of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has the pleasure to host the

23rd Panhellenic Academic Libraries Conference
“Academic Libraries: A roadmap to sustainability”
in 15-16 November 2017 at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

The aim of this year’s conference, despite the economic crisis, is to build a road map to a sustainable model for academic library services. Existing services should be supported and new ones developed. Focusing in new collaborative developments and improving open access will give a robust progress to the evolution of the Greek academic libraries.

We are looking forward to welcoming you all!

The organizing committee